photo: Tamás Hámor
ERA-MIN announces The ERA-MIN Stakeholders Conference
This important international meeting will be held in Budapest on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 March, ending with a field trip to a mine on Thursday 27 March 2014. The aim of this conference is to present the ERA-MIN framework, the outcome of the first ERA-MIN joint call and to launch the second ERA-MIN joint call covering the whole value chain (Primary resources, recycling, and substitution).
ERA-MIN is a network of European organisations owning and/or managing research programs on raw materials.
It is currently comprising 11 partners from 9 countries. The number of partners is set to increase over the project’s lifetime to form a major network for the European non-energy mineral raw materials research community (ENERC).
Our membersTo contribute to overcome the current state of fragmentation and to foster research in the field of industrial production and supply of raw materials by :