As the global population is growing, resource demands will start to outstrip the capacity to supply some of them in economically, environmentally and socially sound conditions. New technologies in almost any area of the daily life will require increasing use of crucial non-energy raw materials, which will also affect the demand for non-energy mineral raw materials. As large, rich deposits located in countries that offer access to their mineral resources are getting rare, research is vital to explore deeper-seated deposits in Europe, deposits in higher risk countries and to develop knowledge on unconventional resources. The efficiency of material production and use throughout the whole supply chain needs to be improved, turning this chain into a materials circle where waste becomes the resource needed by another process, and dissipation is avoided as much as possible. Additionally, a significant reduction can be achieved by substituting scarce elements by more abundant ones with the same functionalities, or by substituting the functionality itself.
ERA-MIN decided to launch the second Joint Call on Sustainable supply of raw materials in Europe (2014), aimed at funding research addressing the above mentioned key challenges. Therefore, the ERA-MIN Joint Call 2014 will welcome research topics on the entire value chain of raw materials, including primary resources supply, recycling and substitution.
The ERA-MIN countries are currently discussing their priorities and considering commitment to this second Joint Call. The ERA-MIN agencies that have already expressed interest in funding the second Joint Call are: TEKES (Finland), ADEME (France), NCBR (Poland), UEFISCDI (Romania), VINNOVA and SGU (Sweden), and TUBITAK (Turkey). Other funding agencies are also considering participation, and updates on this process will be made public soon. The Joint Call is open to include participation of funding agencies from outside Europe as well.
The Joint Call 2014 will be officially launched at the ERA-MIN Stakeholder Forum Meeting in Budapest (Hungary) on 25 - 27 March 2014, with a dedicated information session foreseen in the second day of the event.
The detailed program and presentations will be available for downloading on the ERA-MIN website. Please note that the full information package will be published by end-March 2014 here:
General enquiries about the joint call should be addressed to the ERA-MIN Transnational Call Office established at M2i (The Netherlands):
Mrs. Iulia Degeratu
Program manager
Materials Innovation Institute (M2i)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
ERA-MIN is a network of European organisations owning and/or managing research programs on raw materials.
It is currently comprising 11 partners from 9 countries. The number of partners is set to increase over the project’s lifetime to form a major network for the European non-energy mineral raw materials research community (ENERC).
Our membersTo contribute to overcome the current state of fragmentation and to foster research in the field of industrial production and supply of raw materials by :