The sustainable and efficient supply, processing and use of raw materials
for the European industry and society as a whole represents one of the main
challenges identified by the European Commission. There is a growing awareness
of the need to tackle the issue of raw materials and resource efficiency
strategies at regional, national and EU levels. Closer cooperation in the EU
not only between public bodies, but especially between public and private players,
will provide the impetus needed to overcome the major obstacles. Innovation
and R&D and demand-side measures are then needed to achieve
societal targets quicker and more efficiently.
As the issue of sustainable and safe raw materials is increasingly important
for several EU Member States, the workshop comes timely to contribute to
the discussion about R&I investment on raw materials and related policies in
the EU, and aims to highlight the products, knowledge and both technologyand
non-technology-based innovations developed by leading international actors
(large industry, SMEs) and give concrete examples of possible solutions
found by RTD performers and practical examples of the challenges faced by
Member States, Regions, RTD performers and business.
The venue is: Room A1G-2, Altiero Spinelli Building, European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, Brussels (map).
ERA-MIN is a network of European organisations owning and/or managing research programs on raw materials.
It is currently comprising 19 partners from 15 countries. The number of partners is set to increase over the project’s lifetime to form a major network for the European non-energy mineral raw materials research community (ENERC).
Our membersTo contribute to overcome the current state of fragmentation and to foster research in the field of industrial production and supply of raw materials by :