The recent price fluctuations and supply hick-ups made it clear that raw materials are essential for the high tech industry. How does high tech industry respond to the end of cheap raw materials era?
Visit the International seminar on Raw materials for the high-tech industry on 16 April 2013 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands to learn more on innovative solutions and international cooperation for the secure supply of raw materials for high-tech products.
Program & registration
10:00-14:00 Seminar, including presentations from governmental institutions, leading enterprises and knowledge centers.
14:00-16:30 Round table sessions, Innovation workshops at which the themes will be actively discussed and worked out into concrete projects.
16:30-18:00 Innovation drink, informal networking, matchmaking and business development.
Detailed information about the program and registration is available on the seminar website.
Practical information
The seminar will be held at the Beursgebouw in Eindhoven, the Netherlands on 16 April 2013, 10.00-18.00.
The seminar is part of the NBI Expo (Nation Branding & Investment) event held in Eindhoven on 16–18 April 2013.
ERA-MIN is a network of European organisations owning and/or managing research programs on raw materials.
It is currently comprising 11 partners from 9 countries. The number of partners is set to increase over the project’s lifetime to form a major network for the European non-energy mineral raw materials research community (ENERC).
Our membersTo contribute to overcome the current state of fragmentation and to foster research in the field of industrial production and supply of raw materials by :